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Jules Janssen developed a large photographic revolver to document the stages of the transit of Venus in 1874, regarded as an important method to determine the Astronomical Unit . Several copies of the device were used at different geographic points. Many negative images of the different phases of Venus passing in front of the sun were captured on glass discs, in an early form of time-lapse photography. Unfortunately, the quality was not sufficient for a calculation of the Astronomical Unit. Several photographic revolver discs with images have been preserved, but research concluded that all of the known discs contained test recordings of a model in front of a circular light source . Although the photographs were most likely never intended to be presented as motion pictures, much later images of one disc were transferred and animated into a very short stop motion film.

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  • In 1864, Louis Arthur Ducos du Hauron patented two ideas for camera systems that would capture scenes in all their transformations over time.
  • Your theater needs a minimum number of seats, but also can have no more than 25.
  • Click on any box and a potted history pops up, with further illustrations, including some video demonstrations (also available through the Museu del Cinema’s YouTube channel).
  • Between the 1840s and 1870s several abstract magic lantern effects were developed.
  • Many early films by Edison’s company, Max Skladanowsky and other pioneers, consisted of popular vaudeville acts performed in front of a camera instead of an audience.

A shutter disk would be mounted on the same axis as the picture disk to have its holes coincide with pictures when turned with a hand-crank. Naylor suggested tracing the pictures from readily available printed phenakisticopes, colouring them with translucent colours mixed with oil-varnish and covering the remaining portion of the disk with thick black paint. Nothing else has been found regarding Naylor’s machine, so it remains uncertain whether it was ever even constructed. Projection of images can occur naturally when rays of light pass through a small hole and produce an inverted image on a surface in a dark area behind the hole. Its oldest known recorded description is found in Chinese Mohist writings dated to circa 400 BCE.


I never experienced any stutters, glitches or hiccups during playback. I selected a movie, scanned my fingerprint, paid brief homage to the anti-piracy warning screen, and then settled back to watch the movie just as if I were in a theater. All of the content – trailers and movies – resides on the hard drive; meaning all films are downloaded, not streamed. This means there is no buffering or chance that a movie will stop should the network crash for some reason. Films are downloaded in the background and don’t appear until they are completely finished.

On 7 April 1859, Belgian civil engineer and inventor Henri Désiré du Mont filed a Belgian patent for nine different versions of his Omniscope, of which most would show stereoscopic animation from stroboscopic discs or from cylinders with pictures on the outside. One version was built inside a peep-box and had a lens focusing a light-beam to project the image on a frosted glass screen. Another design combined two zoetropes with Wheatstone’s reflecting stereoscope in between. On 2 May 1861, while working near Paris, he filed French patent 49,520 for “a photographic device for reproduction of the successive phases of movement”. It would transport 10 or 12 photographic plates, one by one, from a slotted frame, past the camera lens, into a lower receptacle area.

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The famous Le Chat noir produced 45 different shows between 1885 and 1896. Between 1886 and 1894 Ottomar Anschütz developed several different versions of his Schnellseher, or Electrotachyscope. The first version, presented between 1887 and 1890, had 24 chronophotographic images on a rotating disk, illuminated from behind by a fast succession of electric flashes from a Geissler tube. Four to seven spectators could watch the images on an opal glass window inside a wall in a small darkened room. In 1890, Anschütz introduced a long cylindrical version with six small opal glass screens. In 1891, Siemens & Halske started manufacturing circa 152 examples of a coin-operated peep-box Electrotachyscope.


He was also the benefactor of Padua responsible for transforming the marshy wasteland of Prato della Valle into a monumental piazza and the largest square in Italy. His friend Giacomo Casanova was once a guest at the Palazzo Angeli, and it was from the viewpoint of the building’s windows that Canaletto etched his panoramic view of the Prato in the mid-eighteenth century using a camera obscura. During the opening weekend of Jordan Peele’s new thriller Nope, 100 movie theaters across the country aired short films sponsored by the job search site Indeed.

Many early films by Edison’s company, Max Skladanowsky and other pioneers, consisted of popular vaudeville acts performed in front of a camera instead of an audience. The famous movie pioneer Georges Méliès was a theatre owner and illusionist who treated film as a means to create spectacles that were even more impressive than stage shows, with lavish stage designs and special effects. The popular féerie theatre shows had often featured stage machinery for special effects and magic tricks, but film allowed new tricks that were impossible to perform live on stage. Étienne-Jules Marey invented a chronophotographic gun in 1882, which was capable of taking 12 consecutive frames a second, recording the different phases of movements onto a single plate.

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The collection also includes several single-lens magic lanterns, the P. Scientific Lantern, the American “Pettibone” lantern, antique paired lanterns and the Walter Gibbons Cinematograph-Lantern. The cinema’s prehistory is frequently narrated though the enumeration of various technologies whose invention slowly but surely led to moving pictures. Indeed, the capacity to produce and project moving pictures did depend on notable inventions such as photography, flexible roll film, intermittent mechanisms for projectors, and forms of artificial illumination such as lime-light and electric light.

No original footage of the photographic revolver recordings of the actual Venus transit has yet resurfaced. In 1875 and 1876, Janssen suggested that the revolver could also be used to document animal locomotion, especially birds since they would be hard to photograph by other means. Émile Reynaud already mentioned the possibility of projecting moving images in his 1877 patent application for the praxinoscope. He presented a praxinoscope projection device at the Société française de photographie on 4 June 1880, but did not market his praxinoscope a projection before 1882.

In 1858, Joseph Charles d’Almeida published descriptions of two methods that he had successfully developed to project stereoscopic images. The first was an anaglyph method with red and green glasses, the second used the stroboscopic principle to alternately present each picture to the corresponding eye in quick succession. D’Almeida had started work on combining this method with the principles of the phénakisticope.